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O U R   P H I L O S O P H Y
we do

Re-examine our cultural ideas of ‘waste’ by using surplus and scrap fabrics to make objects of value;  

Re-imagine our ideas of beauty by gently pushing the boundaries of textile design;

Use our design history as a map in finding values that may resonate with and help us to find our grounding in the present. 

Founded by textile designer Kamala Murali, kambli – for blanket in Tamil – is a design studio based in Chennai, India. Informed by traditional practices of repair and reuse, as well as ways of textile-making in India and other Eastern countries, kambli draws inspiration from Japanese boro cloth, Korean jogakbos, India’s Siddhi patchwork quilts and traditional kaantha embroideries. There is an honest, distinctive quality to our textile work that explores the potential of pre-consumer discarded and surplus materials, and elevates it to that of luxurious, one-of-a-kind pieces made for contemporary living.

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